Christian Witnessing Tools

The phrase "Preach the Gospel at all times. Use words if necessary." is often attributed to St. Francis of Assisi. The idea behind the quote is to emphasize the importance of living out one's faith through actions rather than just words.

Our Christian witnessing tools are a way that helps bridge the gap between others observing our actions and being able to use words. Remember that no one is saved until they actually hear the Gospel (Romans 10:14).  1 Peter 3:15 tells us that we must be prepared to give a reason for the hope we have.

Let me pose this scenario. You are a Christian and you have been for several years. Yet, you have never actually shared the Gospel with a single person. No one has actually asked you to give the reason for your faith. You don’t know how to start a conversation about Jesus with strangers or even people you know, especially relatives. This is more common that you would expect.

We have some Christian witnessing tools which help to start conversations. Our store selections have three primary goals.

1.        Ask Me About the Kingdom of God and Christ. These items are blatant invitations for some to ask us to give the reason for our hope of salvation in Jesus Christ.

2.       Ambassador for the Kingdom of God and Christ. These items not only invite questions but are a reminder that as we here in this world as ambassadors for Jesus according to 2 Corinthians 5:20.

3.        Citizen of the Kingdom of God and Christ. These items also invite questions. They remind us that we don’t belong to this world as Paul reminds us in Philippians 3:20.

Have you ever seen someone driving aggressively or even inciting road rage? As the car cuts you off, you notice the Christian “fish” emblem or other Christian bumper sticker on the back. When you wear Kingdom of God and Christ clothing or have a mug at work. It should be a reminder of who you are in Christ and act accordingly.

What To Do When Asked

When someone asks you about the Kingdom of God and Christ, what are you going to say? We can help you with that. This Christian Passport has everything you need to share the Gospel effectively.

The first few pages are reminders to us that we are living as aliens and strangers in a foreign land. It is necessary for us to behave in godly ways so will want to know why we live like we do and have the credibility to share the Gospel. Then comes the Gospel.

·        The Beatitudes – this is a reminder for us how we should live, and that the Gospel may result in persecution.

·        Pledge allegiance to the Lord – we are citizens of the Kingdom of God and Christ, and this is our primary allegiance.

·        Our belief – the Apostles Creed and the Nicene Creed sum up the foundational believes of Christianity.

·        Living in this foreign land – this includes some of the basic duties and conduct as we sojourn in this world.

·        Prayer – we must stay in constant contact with the Lord while in this foreign land so we have include the Lord Prayer and how to pray it as an ambassador for Christ.

·        The Gospel Message – You will find this clear and comprehensive presentation of the Gospel to share with those whom you engage.

·        Teaching others – we need to know how to make disciples of those who respond to the Gospel.

This Christian Passport is available in three different formats.

1.        You may download this free PDF from our bookstore. The page with personal information is blank.

2.        You may request a personalized PDF that includes your name, picture, and when you were born again. Fill out the application on our Passport Application Page and request the PDF version for $5.00.

3.        You may request a personalized printed Christian Passport with your name, picture, and when you were born again. Fill out the application on our Passport Application Page and request the printed version for $20.00.