Christian Ambassador’s Passport*

This Passport* is used to identify us as ambassadors for our Sovereign Lord and citizens of heaven. It also provides assistance for us as ambassadors in a foreign country. Scroll down to view the sample pages.

Sojourners in this World

The Apostle Peter addresses us as sojourner and exiles or aliens and strangers in this world (1 Peter 2:11). The Apostle Paul very clearly explains that we are citizens of heaven in Philippians 1:20. Not only are we aliens in whatever country we find ourselves to be sojourning, we must also understand that we are ambassadors sent from the Kingdom of God and Christ to represent and carry the message of our Sovereign to the countries where we sojourn. Since we are citizens and ambassadors of a different realm from the world, we have designed a personalized Christian Passport* for our heavenly home, the Kingdom of God and Christ.

The Passport cover is a light blue signifying that it is an ambassador’s passport

Passport front cover
Passport Beatitudes

The inside cover has the Beatitudes from Matthew 5:1-10

Passport Important Information
Passport Personalized Page
Passport Allegiance Page

The first page of your Christian Passport* contains important information about its use and your agreement to use it.

Your personal information is found on the third page. This includes your picture, your born-again date and lists Zion as your place of birth (Psalm 87:6). Just like other passports, this page is rotated and opposite the fourth page. The fourth page contains your pledge to the Lord and the nation where you sojourn.

Our Faith - Apostle's Creed
Our Faith - Nicene Creed

These two pages summarize your Christian belief as expressed in the Apostle’s Creed and the Nicene Creed.

While in the Foreign Country
Our Sovereign's Prayer

Page six reminds us that we are in enemy territory and to be vigilant staying in contact with your true home.

Page seven reminds you of your duty to stay in contact with your Sovereign while in the world. It contains the Lord’s Prayer.

Your conduct in the foreign country
Expect Opposition

Page eight provides useful information on your conduct as an ambassador while you sojourn in the world.

Page nine is a warning about the opposition you will find during your sojourn.

Your Message as an Ambassador
Passport pages for visa and stamps

Pages ten through fifteen is your message of the Gospel to the world and how to share it as an ambassador to the world while you sojourn in it.

Pages sixteen through nineteen contain the basic disciplines you will need to for yourself and to teach others who have joined you.

Visa for entry to the world

The Passport* contains twenty-four pages including four pages for your visas and entry and exit stamps.

Your visa to enter the world from the Kingdom of God and Christ will be affixed on one of these pages.