Who we are

The Kingdom of God and Christ is a reference to the fact that Jesus Christ has ascended into heaven and His Kingdom is the Kingdom of God. Jesus Christ sits enthroned at the right hand of God. In 1 Peter, the references to Christians being aliens and strangers in this world are emphasized. If we are aliens sojourning in this world then we should have a passport that displays our true eternal citizenship. This is how our Christian Passport* came into being.

Since this company is issuing the Passport*, the company name must represent the Kingdom of God and Christ. It is our desire that people see that Christians really are citizens of the Kingdom and that they are therefore ambassadors in whatever country they reside in this world. We also want to help Christians as they sojourn in the world. To that end, we are providing our page of Inspirations of helpful short devotions as well as helpful products in our store to help us witness to others.

Please take some time to view the personalized passport’s contents and we pray you would consider purchasing this witnessing tool and reminder of your status in this world.

Kingdom of God and Christ, LLC is a registered business in the State of Washington.

Owned by Ray and Terri Ruppert.

Ray Ruppert is retired and an author of several Christian books. He has a Masters of Arts in Theological Studies from Liberty University and is an active member at Canyon Hills Community Church in Bothell, WA.

Terri Ruppert was an Administrative Assistant working at Canyon Hills Community Church and is an active member. She serves with Ray and heads the church's prayer chain.

Ray and Terri also are founder, directors, and officers of Proverbs Three Nine Foundation.