How to Be Blessed

Do you want the Lord to bless you in your life? Psalm 41 verse 1 tells us one of the many reasons the Lord blesses people.

How blessed is he who considers the helpless;
The Lord will deliver him in a day of trouble.

The word helpless is also translated as poor or weak. How many people do you know, or you see every day who are helpless, weak, or poor? In today's world, you have to hide in your home and never go outside to avoid people who are weak.

Whether they are in a wheelchair, pushing a grocery cart with all their belongings or cowering in an abusive relationship, they are all around us. We can’t solve all the problems of all the people, but we can usually do something for one person.

The promise of blessings from the Lord should be enough for us to help others. However, He adds that He will deliver us in a day of trouble. Trouble can also be translated evil.

When we come to Jesus, he will deliver us from all evil and trouble in the judgment. We will receive our ultimate reward at that time. If you don’t know Jesus, you will miss out on those rewards. Read the Gospel on Gospel page or watch on YouTube to learn about knowing Jesus and his blessings.

God bless you.

Ray and Terri Ruppert

Ray Ruppert is retired and an author of several Christian books. He has a Masters of Arts in Theological Studies from Liberty University and is an active member at Canyon Hills Community Church in Bothell, WA.

Terri Ruppert was an Administrative Assistant working at Canyon Hills Community Church and is an active member. She serves with Ray and heads the church's prayer chain.


Wanting God


Seek the Lord