God Loves and Hates

You know, we hear so much about God’s love, but people don’t want to talk about what He hates. In Psalm 45:6 and 7 we learn one thing God loves and one thing He hates. 

Your throne, O God, is forever and ever.
The scepter of your kingdom is a scepter of uprightness;
you have loved righteousness and hated wickedness.

Before we can talk about what God loves and hates, we must remember that He is sovereign. He rules forever and that will never change. Setting us up for this, the Psalm tells us that His Kingdom is all about what is right. Since He rules, then we should align our love and hate along with His.

What does God love? He loves righteousness. This means He loves those who exhibit virtue, morality, justice, decency, uprightness, rectitude, honesty and blamelessness.

What does God hate? He hates wickedness. Making it personal, this means He hates those who exhibit evil, badness, iniquity, sin impiety, malice.

Oh, did I just say that God hates some people and loves others? Yeah, I did. Psalm 5:5 says that God hates all who do evil. But we should ask, “Doesn’t God say He loves us while we were sinners and His enemies in Romans 5?”

How do we reconcile these two truths of the Bible? That’s easy. We look to Jesus. Those who are in Jesus are loved and reconciled to God. Those who are not and will never turn to Jesus for salvation will still be His enemies and therefor remain under His wrath.

If you want to know more about transferring from being hated by God to being loved by God, watch my video on the Gospel on YouTube or read on this Gospel link

Ray and Terri Ruppert

Ray Ruppert is retired and an author of several Christian books. He has a Masters of Arts in Theological Studies from Liberty University and is an active member at Canyon Hills Community Church in Bothell, WA.

Terri Ruppert was an Administrative Assistant working at Canyon Hills Community Church and is an active member. She serves with Ray and heads the church's prayer chain.


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