God’s Mercy

My previous post dealt with our greatest mistake. Well, we all sin and even our greatest sin against God has a solution. That is found in Psalm 51:1-2.

Have mercy on me, O God,
according to your steadfast love;
according to your abundant mercy
blot out my transgressions.
Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity,
and cleanse me from my sin!

The first thing to do is to ask God for mercy. We cannot come to God and expect Him to forgive us if we expect to be forgiven because we’ve worked hard to make up for our sin.

We can only find that mercy when we realize that He forgives out of his steadfast love. He doesn’t forgive because we deserve it. We ask because God is love.

We can’t doubt that His mercy is limited. Because we have sinned against His infinite holiness, it takes infinite mercy for Him to forgive us.

We also must acknowledge that He is the only one who can blot out our transgressions. We can’t go to a counselor or priest or some religion to be absolved. They may help us understand our sin, but they must point us to Jesus to have our sin removed from God’s record book.

Finally, to become free from our sin, we must look to His cleansing. We can use worldly methods of mindfulness, meditation, and even denial to try to remove the guilt of our sins but the only way to be truly free from guilt is to have Jesus wash us from our iniquity and cleanse us from our sin.

To find out how and why God would do this when we don’t deserve it, watch my video on the Gospel on YouTube or read on this Gospel link.

Ray and Terri Ruppert

Ray Ruppert is retired and an author of several Christian books. He has a Masters of Arts in Theological Studies from Liberty University and is an active member at Canyon Hills Community Church in Bothell, WA.

Terri Ruppert was an Administrative Assistant working at Canyon Hills Community Church and is an active member. She serves with Ray and heads the church's prayer chain.


Admitting Sins


People’s Worst Mistake